啊!今天心情真好~ 虽然感觉上快要感冒了,鼻子很不舒服,但是难得不用做工,在家休息还有完成该做的事也挺不错!
200g 综合面粉 (all purpose flour)
1/2茶匙 盐 (salt)
1/2茶匙 肉桂粉 (cinnamon powder)
1茶匙 baking powder
1茶匙 baking soda
1汤匙 香草精 (vanilla extract/essence)
3汤匙 牛奶 (milk)
1汤匙 蜜糖 (honey)
2粒 鸡蛋 (egg)
230g 无盐牛油 (unsalted butter)
100g brown sugar
50g 幼糖 (castor sugar)
250g* 燕麦 (oatmeal)
100g* 蔓越莓/葡萄干 (cranberries/ raisins)
Pre-heat the microwave at 190degree Celsius for about 5minutes.
步骤1:Mix unsalted butter, brown sugar and castor sugar in a medium bowl. Beat until fluffy and soft.
步骤2: Add in the eggs, continue mixing gently to get a batter that looks presentable.
步骤3: Add in the milk, honey and vanilla extract, one by one, so that the mixture can be even and easier to whisk.
步骤4: To the mixture, add the flour portion by portion, stir and stir, then add in the baking powder and baking soda as well as the cinammon powder.
步骤5: Pour the oatmeal and cranberries/raisins according to the amount you want it to be for your cookies! Stir and mix.
步骤6:At the baking tray, spread some butter on the surface so that it will be easy to remove the cookies. Using a spoon, put the amount of mixture as the cookies you want them to be. Remember to leave a little space between cookies as they will expand in size while baking. You don't want your cookies to stick together!
步骤7: Finally, send your baking tray into the microwave. Bake at 190 degree Celsius for about 17minutes. You can use a fork to poke the cookies to check whether it is cooked or not. If the fork is dirty, bake for another 3 minutes. After that, let the baking tray to cool in the microwave for about 5minutes, remove the tray and leave it for another cooling process for 5 minutes. The appearance of cookies should be nice and looks tasty! You're done! :D
大功告成!基本上花了我约一小时来完成,太久没烘焙了,而且是百分之百手工!我用微波炉烘焙哦,不是oven... 大约六十个饼干。味道挺不赖,外表也可以。虽然第一批有一点不是很脆,但有较劲。要更脆的话,像刚才我妈妈这样,用微波炉自动翻热,果真变得更爽口呢!更有曲奇饼干的feel。哈哈,起初我不相信我妈的做法,结果它的效果令我刮目相看!新手可以试试看!