
Am I ready for a relationship?

Or simply this is not the kind I wanted?

Perhaps I'm thinking too much again.


Don't expect anything in return whenever you give. This supposed to be something that everyone should know.

I know, but why am I still acting in that way.


Or sometimes I couldn't find myself giving anything.

Two more weeks to go. 

The future just seems bleak to me, do you feel the same way as me too?





Just don't expect anything. 


And that for everything, for anything, it's like right smack in front of me saying that how lousy I am and I don't deserve anything.

Go ahead, yup walking in front of me, too ahead that you don't even know you're leaving me behind, alone. Or even if you know, I guess you're probably tired to stop for me, to bring me forward, because I'm someone who is really too........ burdensome,weirdo whatever you call it.

Not about trust.

Perhaps about communication and commitment.

They are lacking.

I just feel pathetic of myself for not able to realise such things in the first place....

If I'd known (obviously how would I), I guess I wouldn't let myself been through this again...

Sometimes what a girl want or need is really simple, just an accompany will do.

If, if I don't know, I might think the lady who appears frequently with you is related to you, more than a mere friend.

Yes, sacarsm.

Or how dumb am I thinking that things will definitely get better when, holiday comes.

When not.

There are many things lined up for you, even though I'm not a thing, but there's possibly nothing about us in the queue.


Maybe I've let my emotion to override my rational thinking.

But how come for some moments, I got a feeling that both of us (or mainly you) secretly hopes that EVERYTHING will come to an end.


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